Thursday, June 30, 2011


Of course who can withstand the siren of babies crying except their parents. this seems to be reason for  ban of babies on board first class of malaysian airlines. The carrier decided to implement a ban on babies in the first class cabins of their new Airbus A380 aircraft. Those planes are expected to come into service next year.

Malaysia Airlines has already banned infants from the first class cabins on its Boeing 747-400 jets.

According to news reports, the airline received customer complaints about crying babies in the first class cabin. Malaysia Airlines CEO Tengku Azmil said that passengers who spend a lot of money for first-class seats are often unable to sleep. He tweeted that "We already hand out noise cancellation headphones in 1st class. They don't work so well for babies crying."

In addition to flying routes in Southeast Asia, Malaysia Airlines also carries passengers on long-distance routes to Europe.

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