Friday, September 2, 2011

Emirates recruit aircrew for A380 Fleet

inside Emirates A380 
Emirates the UAE leading airliner is on recruiting spree of aircrew for its A380 & other fleets!.

The large international airliner is advertising 4,000 cabin-crew jobs via online music provider Spotify as it strives to attract international staff for the world's biggest fleet of Airbus superjumbos.

By March, Emirates needs to boost flight-attendant numbers by a third to 16,000 as it adds five double-deck, 517-seat A380s, for a total 20.

Ads on Facebook may follow as the Dubai company seeks English-speaking, tech-savvy recruits ages 21 to 30.

Emirates aims to leverage its status as long-haul market leader to become employer of choice among would-be cabin crew, akin to Apple in computing and Nike in sporting goods, advertising manager Sardar Khan said.

"We've growing rapidly, and that presents a massive hiring challenge," Khan said. "Apple and Nike are aspirational brands and we like to think of ourselves as in that league. Your friends are going to think, 'Wow, you're working for them?' " he added.

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