Saturday, June 18, 2011

Boeing 747-8 Freighter to make PARIS air show with BIO-FUEL!

BOEING fly the new 747-8 Freighter to its international air show debut in a doubly historic fashion, flying the airplane across the Atlantic Ocean to the Paris Air Show using a renewable aviation jet fuel – the world's first transatlantic crossing of a commercial jetliner using biologically derived fuel.

The airplane will be on static display at the Paris Air Show June 21 and 22. It is scheduled to leave the air show the evening of June 22 and fly to Cargolux headquarters at Luxembourg for a two-day visit. Cargolux is scheduled to take delivery of the first 747-8 Freighter to enter service this summer.

Plant-based biofuels provide a net reduction in carbon due to absorption of CO2 during the growth phase, and are a key element of aviation's strategy for achieving carbon-neutral growth beyond 2020

Camelina, the plant source used to create the biofuel, was grown in Montana and processed by Honeywell's UOP. Boeing does not need to make any changes to the airplane, its engines or operating procedures prior to departure to accommodate biofuel use. Normal flight parameters are being followed and were approved in advance by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.

Camelina, an energy crop grown in rotation with dry wheat, is one of the biofuel sources identified during a comprehensive regional analysis conducted by Boeing and others in the Northwestern U.S. as part of the Sustainable Aviation Fuels Northwest project 

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