Wednesday, May 11, 2011

RR Trent 1000 clears the ETOPS approval!

Rolls-Royce has received Extended Twin-Engine Operations (ETOPS) approval from the FAA for the Boeing 787-powering Trent 1000 turbofan.

The authorization covers 330 min. of single-engine operations. Rival General Electric, offering the GEnx, is still working on achieving ETOPS approval; Rolls is ahead, owing to the fact it is providing the engine for lead customer All Nippon Airways.

In a statement announcing the approval, Simon Carlisle, Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 program director, says “ETOPS approval marks a major milestone for the Trent 1000 program, setting new industry standards,” adding, “We now look forward to supporting Boeing’s own ETOPS program and to powering the 787 Dreamliner’s entry into service with All Nippon Airways.”

Rolls notes that the Trent 1000 has logged 2,874 787 flight test hours on 1,064 flights; the bulk of the 787 flight testing program has been using the Rolls engine. Total flight and ground test time on Trent 1000s tops 10,000 hr., the engine maker says.

ETOPS stands for Extended Range Operations Performance Standards

This is particularly concerned with twin engine aircrafts, Usually it is operations beyond the safety limit of flying time.Aircrafts labelled as Extended Range (ER versions) have to conform the standards for engine and airframe to ensure safe operations.

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