Monday, May 16, 2011


The space shuttle Endeavour launched Monday, 16 May on STS-134, its final mission before retirement and second to last before the end of the shuttle program, it marks Endeavour's 25th and final flight into orbit.

At 08:56 EST, Endeavour lifted off from pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center carrying supplies and scientific payloads to the International Space Station (ISS). The shuttle is planned to dock with ISS on 18 May; its return to Earth is planned for 1 June.
The launch was postponed from 29 April due to electrical problems.

Endeavour carries 150 scientific experiments, including the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, a sensor that will be attached to ISS to measure cosmic rays for evidence of antimatter and dark matter.

Upon returning, Endeavour will be retired and sent to the California Science Center in Los Angeles, California.The shuttle's retirement will leave the US without an independent means of putting humans into space until commercial launch providers go operational in 2016.

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