Monday, May 23, 2011

CHINA threatens AIRBUS against ETS

China has threatened retaliation against French plane maker Airbus if the European Union (EU) goes ahead with plans to include international aviation in its carbon market, three sources said on Friday.From Jan. 1 next year, the EU will require all airlines flying to Europe to be included in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), a system that forces polluters to buy permits for each tonne of carbon dioxide they emit above a certain cap.But China's aviation authority opposes the measure, saying it will cost Chinese airlines 800 million yuan (US$123 million) in the first year and more than triple that by 2020.

“We're taking this threat very seriously,” said a diplomat from one EU country involved in the dispute.

“We met about two weeks ago with some Chinese officials, and they clearly told us that if nothing is done to ensure their airlines would not be hurt by the ETS system, then there would be some direct consequences for our airline industry and for Airbus,” the diplomat said on condition of anonymity.

China said last week that Europe should adjust the ETS to reflect the differences between rich and poor countries.

On the other hand, U.S. airlines also oppose inclusion in the ETS, but some of Europe's biggest airlines say the move is preferable to leaving airlines out, which would make them vulnerable to different environmental taxes from national governments.

The U.S. industry group Air Transport Association of America is challenging the move in EU courts.

France, Germany and Britain in particular are trying to find a compromise with China, the diplomat added.

That compromise could involve using provisions in the ETS rules to exempt the airlines of any country that can prove it is taking equivalent steps to cut emissions from aviation.

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