Monday, May 23, 2011


United States Patent no. 7,942,368, issued on May 17, was assigned to Airbus Operations Ltd. (Bristol, Great Britain).

"Composite Aircraft Component" was invented by James Lloyd (Bristol, Great Britain).

According to the abstract released by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office: "This invention relates to improving the tolerance of composite laminate structures to damage and/or delamination, resulting in weakening of the structure and/or to reducing the possibility of such damage and/or delamination. In particular, but not exclusively the invention relates to protecting the end surfaces of composite laminate structures present on aircraft from impact damage. The invention provides an aircraft component comprising a composite laminate structure, the composite laminate structure including an end surface at which a multiplicity of the layers of the laminate structure terminate, wherein the aircraft component further comprises a deformable strip mounted to protect the end surface of the composite laminate structure from direct impacts."

The patent was filed on June 13, 2007, under Application No. 11/762,362.

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